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**HOT** Play
Like the Gospel Greats by Ear in Minutes!
Gospel Lover,

Are you someone who is absolutely in
love with gospel music? I mean, you
hear it on Sundays during the church
service, listen to it in your car on
the way to work, and recite all the
songs of your favorite
artists(...Fred Hammond, Kirk
Franklin, Vickie Winans etc.) word
for word. If this is you, you're
going to absolutely love what I just
found out.
I think the only thing better than
listening to gospel music is
actually playing it yourself
(...letting the spirit come from
within). Now, you can do just that.
You can play virtually ANY of your
favorite Gospel songs on the piano
and now the organ by EAR in no time!
Click here for more details
My friend Rev. Jermaine Griggs over
at has taught more
than 189,000 gospel musicians around
the globe to reach their wide range
of musical goals using his infamous
GospelKeys learning method.
The GospelKeys series breaks down
hundreds of licks, tricks, and
techniques into great detail and is
very easy to understand. It's like
having a professional instructor
ready to teach you at any time in
the comfort of your own home.
Click here for more details
 No matter what style of Gospel Music
moves you the most: Hymns,
Congregational Songs, Slow Worship,
Up-tempo Praise, Shouting music,
Urban & Contemporary, he's got you
Here's the best part. In celebration
of the new year, Jermaine decided to
slash the price of his entire
"GospelKeys Box Set" by more than
50%! You heard right, you can get
this one of a kind Gospel Instructional set of DVDs for
less than half of the normal cost.
Jermaine told me this deal will only
be available for 3 days after you've
read this e-mail. SO...
Start playing Gospel music TODAY!!
Click here for more details
God bless,
P.S. - You might find more
interesting information, techniques, or resources just by clicking around
on their website.
Piano Lessons!
Learn Personal Secrets from One of the Best Gospel Musicians
Ever to Touch the Keyboard!
to play the phattest gospel chords like a pro by a pro. ! Mike
has played for...Mary Mary, Judith Mcallister, Beverly Crawford,
Donnie Mcclaukin, , and many More!!
**NEW** Gospel Keys
Click Here to Get Started Today!
4 Steps to
Learning How to Play Any Song on the Piano
1.Determining the
melody - Melodies determine what chords will be played. If
you can use your ear to figure out what notes are being played
in the melody, you are 1/4 on your way to learning a song!
More resources on learning how to determine melodies
2.Harmonizing the
melody - Once you have figured out the melody (using some of
my techniques on the resource page), it is time to harmonize it.
This is simply choosing various chords to accompany the melody.
There are several techniques and tricks to doing this.
More resources on learning how to harmonize melodies
3. Altering
Chords - This is the best part! Now that you have
strategically figured out the melody to a song and have
harmonized it, altering your chords to produce certain sounds is
the next step. If you were playing gospel music, you would alter
your chords differently than if you were playing classical or
country music.
More resources on altering chords
4. Listening
- After you have determined the melody, harmonized the melody,
and altered some of your chords, there are various techniques
you can use to make sure that your song sounds right.
More resources on listening techniques
I personally recommend "The Secrets to
Playing Piano By Ear" 300-pg Course and through my relationship with
Jermaine (the author of this course), I've been able to get him to
throw in a few bonus items (3 additional piano software programs).
He has taught literally thousands of musicians how to play the piano
by ear. If you understood just half of what he discussed above,
you'll definitely benefit from his 300-pg course.
The 300-pg course is great. Don't
worry, it's much easier than you think to create music online too.
Click here to learn the secrets to playing absolutely any song on
the piano in virtually minutes!
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The site is currently free to
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