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9 Critical Things You Should Know About Publicity Before Making Your First Move

You got your music just right and are ready to share your songs with the world.  So now you should focus on getting PR right?  WRONG.  Before you even think about getting PR, you need to make sure your social media foundation is strong. If you don’t have a strong internet presence (e.g. website, Facebook and Twitter pages) a PR campaign will not be very helpful to you.  In fact, so many musicians and publicist flood the media with their submissions, having a consistent activity online with your fans may be the way you can differentiate yourself from others.

After you have your music and social media house in order, now its time to get started and…

1) Get publicity-  When you are ready for public attention, you can hire a music publicist to represent you to the media.

2) You are the visionary- You’re in control, and it’s your music and money that keep publicists in business.  They need to be a good fit for what you’re looking for.

3) You pay for publicity efforts but this can be hard to quantify-  You quantify a PR campaign by how much buzz (social media activity) and feedback your band is getting during and post PR campaign. PR efforts can show up months and even years after your campaign is complete.

4) A PR Campaign needs to be planned well in advance- If for example an album is coming out in October, you need the artwork done in July and must make sure production deadlines are met as well.  You will also need to plan lead times for local, national and/or global press.

Click here for 5 other critical publicity tips.







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