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Fan Email Marketing Made Easy

Hi, Fellow Musicians.

Many artists want to promote their music to the world, but don’t take
advantage of a simple tool that millions of music fans use everyday.
If you want to get the word out about your music, the tool you
should be using on a regular basis to reach your customers and
subscribers is…email.

Here is a great article that talks about using emails for
online music marketing. It is written by one of our
musician friends at Ticket…check it out!

Using emails for online music marketing proves to be a very
difficult task to master, but a very important one that every
artist must master. Fan club newsletters allow fans to stay
connected with the artists without the added effort of
returning to the artist’s site. I have simplified it into three
key areas for a successful fan club email newsletter.

Perking Interest

One of the hardest parts in compiling a music newsletter is
getting subscribers to read it!

1. Create an interesting subject title. Just like blogs and
articles, no one will start to read the newsletter if the
title or subject line does not generate interest in the
fan to read the publication. “August Newsletter” does
not perk interest in a subject line.

2. Make it personal to the subscriber. Instead of writing a
general “hi,” make the newsletter specific for everyone.
This makes the fan feel important to the artist because
their personal name is used. Similarly, use the band’s
name or specific artist’s name when closing the letter
to add to the personal effect.

3. Write for the reader. The newsletter is not a place to
sell products and promote music, but rather a place to write
interesting content the reader wants to read. Occasionally
mentioning new fan merchandise is all right, but always
keep the reader in mind. Target your content to the reader
and make sure it is relevant to their needs.

4. Personalize it more. Have options the user can choose makes
the letter just for them. For instance, allow them to insert
their zip code for the option of receiving info when the band
is touring in their area. The more personal and specific towards
the fan, the more apt they will want to read it.

  1. Provide relevant links. Hand-in-hand with writing the newsletter

for the fans, provide the fans with relevant links they would want.
Direct them towards other music related sites or services.

Perfecting the Newsletter

1. Find the perfect layout. The design and layout of the newsletter

may need several revisions before finding the perfect look.
Having color and formatting are necessary but can be overdone.
In addition, inserting picture and video that the fans would like make the newsletter stand out more.

2. Choose the correct day and time. Fans need to expect the newsletter in a consistent manner, whether it is every week or every month. EmailLabs reports the best day to send emails is Tuesday or Wednesday in the morning hours when people regularly check their email. After picking a day, stay consistent with that day and time.

3. Encourage word-of-mouth marketing
. Add a “Send to a Friend” button where your fans can easily send the newsletter to anyone they believe would enjoy it. Word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective, so encourage it as much as possible.

4. Check the newsletter before emailing it to fans. Based on the type of server your fan uses, (Hotmail, Yahoo, Google, AOL, etc.) the newsletter may show up differently. Sign-up to all the major email servers and send the newsletter to yourself to check the formatting in each before sending a faulty newsletter to all your fans.

Track Email Stats

Track all statistics relevant to the email campaign.

< p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;">Valid metrics include:

  • Click through rate
  • Open rate
  • Click to open
  • Bounce rate
  • Referral rate
  • Unsubscribe rate

If these statistics do not meet standards, chances are
the design format or content is not relating to the fans.

Start by asking these basic questions:

· What are your fans not getting out of the newsletter?

· Why do they not find it valuable?

· Does the content need to be more targeted?

Email campaigns are an ongoing process requiring constant
attention and direction.

Email newsletters are important for maintaining a constant
fan base. To gain more subscribers, refer to the newsletter
as a fan club and offer exclusive offers to fan club members
only, like pre-sale tickets or discounts. Your band will instantly
see a bigger subscribing list / fan base after implementing
these techniques.

By Lance Trebesch


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