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How to Start Playing Chords In All 12 Keys Overnight with Instant Transposer

Can you play 3 of your favorite songs (including chords) in all 12 keys ?

This may seem like an easy task, but so many musicians don’t know about this “3×12” challenge and aren’t able to play their best 3 songs equally well across all keys.

If you are a musician who plays by ear, or wants to learn how to play by ear, it’s so important that you’re able to play songs anywhere on the keyboard.  This ability makes you extremely versatile and comes in handy is endless situations e.g. playing a gig (especially one that may have just come up that didn’t allow you to practice much with the band beforehand), playing in a church that sings hymns that are in a variety of different keys…

Another important benefit of being able to do this is you should be able to learn how to play songs by ear 4 times faster!

If you don’t have this skill now, no worries…there is a tool that makes it really simple for you to learn how to play in all 12 keys. If you know a chord in one key, then you can use Instant Transposer to easily learn that chord in any key.

It’s essentially a calculator for musicians!

To learn more, just click here to watch the video presentation.

To your music success,


P.S. Some things in the video presentation are time sensitive so make sure you watch it now.

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