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Independent Label Blue Track Records Needs Indie Artists to Cover Nelson Adelard’s Music

Independent Label Blue Track Records needs Indie Artists to cover Nelson Adelard’s music.  Blue Track Records is looking for all genre’s and genders to cover any songs from Nelsen Adelard’s catalog.  They have  had a lot of success placing songs on TV shows on all major networks, and you can see an extensive list here:

Although this could be a great opportunity for indie artists, it’s important you know that Nelson and Blue Track Records would keep the intellectual rights to the songs, and the indie artist will get paid if they place the song with a network.  The payout is typically between $1000-$2000 that will be split between the artist and publisher. The artist would be the performer in this instance, while Nelsen Adelard and Blue Track Records would remain the composer/songwriter.

If you have studio quality songs that aren’t too close to the originals, you can submit as many songs as you choose…

1) Click here to sign up with our partner Music Gorilla
2) Send a message to


and let them know you came from Indie Music Network to receive free credits (25 credits valued at $25)

3) Submit your music here by January 1, 2018.

To your music success,
Traci Crowley

P.S. Click here more information on receiving your credits at no cost

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