Submit Your Tracks: Producer needs tracks/beats for Kevin Gates
A producer for Kevin Gates is looking for new tracks/beats so we wanted to ask you if you have any tracks that you want to submit. The tracks should be hard uptempo south beats/melodic urban tracks. You can also submit full records if they are outstanding.
If you want to submit your music to the producer this is what you do:
1) Click here to sign up with our partner Music Gorilla
2) Send a message to in**@mu**********.com and let them know you came from Indie Music Network to receive free credits (25 credits valued at $25)
3) Please listen to music samples at the following link to get a good idea of what the producer is looking for. After reviewing the samples please Submit your tracks here for Kevin Gates’ producer by January 24th 2015.
To your music success,
Traci Crowley
P.S. Click here more information on receiving your credits at no cost