Practice Tips for Success: Learn & Master Guitar
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You may be interested in learning how to master the guitar, but you may not know how to achieve your goal. Here are some practice tips to help you successfully learn and master the guitar
1) Break Difficult Parts Down Into Small Pieces
You want to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed as you try to learn to play a song. An approach that may give you better results is to break down each measure into smaller pieces, and get a couple of bars down very well before you move on to the next set of bars. You can then go back to play the first bars you learned followed by the second set of bars. When you get that down you can move forward repeating the same process. If you learn a little bit at a time, then build upon what you learn, you’ll be better positioned to master any riff or song you’re trying to learn.
2) Small Amounts of Consistent Focused Practice Time Works Best
You may be better able to focus more and remember what you learned if you consistently practice. Even if it’s working on the same thing for only 5 minutes at a time, this may benefit you far more than practicing for a couple hours, then putting your guitar down for days after that.
3) Work Out Finger Choreography Before Rhythm
Although rhythm is very important, you may want to make sure you get your fingering correct first. Once you have that down, you can make sure your rhythm is on point.
4) Work Out Finger Motions First, Then Play with a Metronome to Polish
Make sure you work out your fingering issues first. After you get that sorted out, you play along with your metronome so you can make sure your rhythm is correct. Start the metronome slower at first, then when you can play the piece 10 times in a row correctly, increase the tempo.
If you are ready for some serious guitar training call the number below for details.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_cta_button call_text=”Call: 877-587-4635
Mon-Fri: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm CST
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